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5 Reasons to Install a Smart Home Control System

A woman uses the Savant application on a tablet to monitor security cameras while relaxing on the living room couch.

How California Homeowners Benefit from Smart Technology

Californians investing in smart home control systems stand to benefit in several ways from the convenience and reliability of smart technology solutions. Our expert team at AUDIOVISIONS has gathered some of the top reasons homeowners are moving to these devices to ease their daily lives. 

Whether turning off the lights, locking the front door, or making a grocery list, smart technology can play a role in many everyday activities, reducing stress on the homeowner and simplifying tasks. Continue reading to learn more about five reasons Los Angeles-area residents and all Californians can benefit from a smart home control system.

Achieve the Ultimate Luxury Lifestyle in a Savant Home

A woman looks at the view from her terrace in a Savant home.

Learn How a Savant Home Automation System Can Make Your Home More Functional and Enjoyable

In this modern world where technology is constantly moving forward, home devices have shifted from making your everyday life simpler to make it luxurious. We’ve gone from solving daily problems to creating daily experiences. That’s exactly what incorporating a Savant home automation system is like. At AUDIOVISIONS, we specialize in helping homeowners in Malibu, CA, and beyond turn ordinary houses into delightful smart homes.  

Want to learn more about what life is like in Savant home? Take a look at the blog below! 

SEE ALSO: The Exceptional Lifestyle with Savant

Seamless Control of Your Entire Home

One of the reasons our clients love Savant homes so much is that they are incredibly easy to completely customize to your unique preferences. In a Savant home, you will always have the last word when it comes to your own comfort and convenience. By pressing a button on the Savant remote, giving a simple voice command, or tapping on a user-friendly app on your smartphone, you can control and set your surroundings to your liking. 

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Is a LED Video Wall The Right Display For You?

An elegant museum displaying ocean pictures around the entire room through Sony LED video walls.

Discover how this innovative solution transforms your viewing experience!

When it comes to enjoying audiovisual content, whether that is in a commercial or residential space, there is a world of technological possibilities before you. While most people tend to think of 4K projectors and screens as their go-to displays, one of our favorite solutions is LED video walls, as they provide viewers with an extraordinary visual experience that transports them to another world.  

At AUDIOVISIONS, however, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all tech solutions, even with such innovative solutions. We believe in crafting the perfect experience, completely tailored to your unique needs and preferences. So how do you know if LED video walls are the right fit for your Beverly Hills, CA, commercial and residential spaces? Take a look at this blog to find out!

This Is Why Acoustical Treatments Are a Must-Have in Luxury Homes

A fancy home theater displaying the movie Spiderman in a space with acoustical treatment in place.

Discover the perks of a room treated for superior sound!

What does it take to create the ideal entertainment experience? For many homeowners, it’s a matter of choosing the best projectors and screens. For others, it’s about having the most comfortable seating that supports long movie marathons. And there are others that believe the experience relies on the best speakers for the ultimate surround sound experience. While all of those are key elements of a luxurious home theater, the experts at AUDIOVISIONS believe there is one vital technology that is often overlooked: acoustical treatments

In this blog, we will explore a few of the many perks of adding the right acoustical treatments to your dedicated home theater in Santa Barbara, CA, home and how they bring more luxury to your entertainment experience.

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